Corporate Social Responsibility

26 Jul 2019 updated

Lion Befrienders Day Out with Daikin 2019

The Lion Befrienders Day Out initiative targets at connecting the seniors with the society, while enriching the lives of the beneficiaries. Daikin is proud to organise this programme for seniors that are aged 60 years old and above with limited family support. During this programme, we provided transporation to and from the AMK Hub for seniors to visit the supermarket and food outlet. 

During this special day, Daikin staff brought seniors out to AMK Hub to purchase necessities such as groceries and household items from Fair Price. Many seniors enjoyed themselves as they picked out items they loved.

Daikin staff accompanying a senior for her grocery shopping in Fair Price

After the meaningful grocery shopping, we proceeded to head to Eighteen Chefs for lunch with the seniors. We made sure that the seniors had food that better suit their palate as well as their needs. 

Daikin staff with seniors that are all ready to have their meals at Eighteen Chefs

After which, we proceeded to help the seniors to bring their groceries home. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to give back to the society through this initiative. We truly hope to have more of such activities with involvement of our staff with the beneficiaries.

A fulfilling day out for both the seniors and Daikin staff for the Lion Befrienders Initiative


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